Friday, 17 July 2015

Day 256 - Regally Awesome Red Admiral

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
Hi everyone, well it's Day 256 and back on Day 240 when I looked at a Peacock Butterfly I said I'd cover today's insect when I could find one to get a decent photograph of. Well, I didn't have to go very far in the end as this pretty little creature was fluttering around outside of my front window in the garden. Not wanting to miss the chance I grabbed my camera and off I shot. I didn't need to rush though as this lovely butterfly was happily creeping and fluttering over our Red Valerian having a good feed. Today I'm covering a lovely Red Admiral.

So what did I find out about these butterflies? Here's some facts:

  • It seems it might be unusual to see them feeding on Red Valerian as their main nectar plants are normally Brambles, Hemp Agrimony, Thistles, Teasels, Honeydew, Ivy, Privet, Buddleiah and Fleabane.
  • Not only will they eat nectar but they will also eat rotting fruit.

    Having a rest after feeding

    • That's what the adults eat, the larval food plants are Hop, Common Nettle, Small Nettle and a plant I've never heard of called Pellitory-of-the-wall.
    • This one in the picture looks a little worn out. That might be as it may have flown a long way as they are mainly migrant butterflies coming here in May or June from Europe or sometimes North Africa!
    • There might now be a few that are able to stay in Britain in the very south of the country but mostly the migrate as our winters are too cold for them,
    • They are a common species in the UK found all over the country in a wide range of habitats, from the seaside to the tops of mountains.
    It stayed still for quite a while
    • You might start to see Caterpillars from around May time, as well as the Adults starting to emerge in July and you'll see both of them until October.
    • They can also bee seen in April but very rarely and mostly in the South of England, the peak in August through to September and are quite common in October as well.
    • They have a wingspan of 64mm-78mm meaning each wing is between 32mm and 49mm.
    • The female lays the eggs typically on the growing tip of a nettle. When it hatches a few days later the caterpillar will make itself a little tent for protection by using silk to fold a leaf over itself.
    • Four weeks later the caterpillar will build a similar tent to pupate in.
    |Well that's it for now if you want some more information try these sites:

    Hope you enjoyed,


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